Home » , , , , » Java Heat (2013) - МОНГОЛ Хэлээр -( Blu-ray Rip ) Action | Crime | Drama

НЭР    :  Java Heat (2013) ЖАНР   : Action | Crime | Drama РЕЙТИНГ :  5/10-IMDb НАЙРУУЛАГЧ   : Conor Allyn ГОЛ ДҮРД : Kellan Lutz, Verdi Sol...

НЭР    :  Java Heat (2013)
ЖАНР   : Action | Crime | Drama
РЕЙТИНГ :  5/10-IMDb
НАЙРУУЛАГЧ   : Conor Allyn
ГОЛ ДҮРД : Kellan Lutz, Verdi Solaiman, Mickey Rourke
ГАРСАН ОН  : 18 April 2013 (Indonesia)
БИЧЛЭГ ЧАНАР   :Blu-ray Rip
ХУГЦАА   : 105 min
A Muslim detective teams with an American posing as a graduate student to find the man behind a series of deadly terrorist bombings in Indonesia. 


Official® Trailer [HD]